PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is the bomb for female hair restoration as well as for under-eye darkness and sagging. We can use it in conjunction with traditional fillers (Juvederm, Restylane) to provide a more permanent “filling” in cheeks and nasolabial folds. It can also be used for filling small wrinkles and for filling/repairing scars. This stuff really works!!!
One of the most common things I hear when I talk to clients about filler for the lips is “I don’t want those duck lips”. That doesn’t have to be the result.
One of the most common problems I have treated over the past decade is thinning hair in "women of a certain age". Genetics, hormones, toxins, stress, and other factors can result in significant hair loss. In the past, I have used a combination of omega3s, vitamins, collagen, and hormones to treat hair loss. While often successful, most patients respond slowly and incompletely.
I got microneedled last week.
Microneedling with the SkinPen introduces literally hundreds of thousands of small channels through the skin. This microtrauma triggers new collagen and elastin production in the dermis and results in a reduced appearance of scars, pigmentation abnormalities, and fine lines/wrinkles.
It is pretty much established that testosterone replacement reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, but what is most shocking about this paper is the 40% reduced risk of prostate cancer in long term users.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the most abundant steroid in humans. But what exactly it does and how does it is still somewhat of a mystery.
Many hormones (but not all) decline with age. Is this decline the cause of the loss of vitality so often seen in aging?
Frigate birds don't walk, but stay in great shape doing what they do. You can achieve the same by walking (and watching what you eat).